Children's training

The Martin Kovařík Golf Academy is preparing regular summer children’s golf training for golf youth in the 2024 summer season. Trainings will traditionally take place every Tuesday at the times set for each group and are conducted according to PGA of Czech Republic and PGA Europe standards. Trainings will start in mid-April after the start of the golf season.
The head coach of children’s golf training is a member of the PGA of Czech Republic and holder of the highest coaching education FULL QUALIFIED PGA PROFESSIONAL Martin Kovařík, the assistant coach is Vojtěch Hanžl, golf coach of the third class.

Training dates for 2024
Trainings take place in individual months as follows:
- April - 9., 16., 23. a 30.
- May - 7., 14., 21. a 28.
- June - 4., 11., 18. a 25.
- September - 3., 10., 17. a 24.
- October - 1. a 8.
In the event of an unplanned closure of the course due to the tournament, parents will be informed of the alternative date of training by e-mail.
Training groups
Trainings take place in individual months as follows:
- Group B - (5 - 11 years): Tuesday 15:30 - 17:15
- Group A - (11 - 18 years): Tuesday 17:15 – 19:00
Coaching team
Martin Kovařík – Full Qualified PGA Professional, PGA member of Czech republic
Vojtěch Hanžl – golf coach III. Classes
Price of trainings
4,500 CZK, the amount is payable at the first training against a tax document, it is also necessary to pay the annual fee at Barbora Golf Club.
Martin Kovařík Golf Academy, Jeníkov, Oldřichov 226, 417 24 Oldřichov u Duchcova
(+420) 605 706 460