Operating regulations

Golf course Golf Resort Barbora


1.1 The Operating Regulations clearly set out the rules, rights and obligations of all visitors to the golf resort.
1.2 Course means an 18-hole course (i.e. tees, fairways, driving ranges and other areas), driving range, practice areas (putting and chipping greens) and rest areas of the course. In addition to the aforementioned course, the resort grounds also include parking spaces, the clubhouse with adjacent facilities, the main entrance to the resort and access roads.

1.3 Visitors to the resort are golfers and their companions, visitors to social events held on the premises, persons passing through the premises and other persons who have the consent of the operator.

1.3 Operator here means the employees and other personnel who operate, service or run the golf course.
1.4 These Operating Rules represent the rules set out by the operator of the golf resort. By entering the golf resort premises, everyone agrees to be bound by the rights and obligations of these Operating Regulations.

1.5 The term Operating Regulations is identical to the term Visiting Rules.

1.6 It is forbidden to leave children under the age of 10 unsupervised on the entire premises.


2.1 Smoking is prohibited in the clubhouse. In other areas, smoking is prohibited where the operator has placed a no smoking sign.
2.2 No golf trolleys or golf bags are allowed in the clubhouse.


3.1 There is a charge for entry to the 18-hole course. Every player is obliged to check in with the course operator before starting to play. Fees are payable in principle before play. Visitors are required to present their CGF card or other identification at the reception desk. The operator has the right not to accept the Certificate for playing on the field if he has doubts about its validity, the person of the guarantor, or the sufficient readiness of the player, or to request its confirmation from a guarantor accepted by the club.
3.2 If the player is a foreign national or a Czech national residing abroad for a long period of time, he/she can be allowed to play without showing HCP or green card. If his/her performance is low at the discretion of the course manager or marshal, he/she may be denied the game without refund of the payment made.
3.3 The course operator shall record the data of the player, who hereby expressly agrees that the operator shall process, for the purposes of the operation of the golf course within the meaning of Act No. 101/2000 Coll., as amended, the personal data of the player obtained in connection with the provision of its services to the extent necessary to identify the player.
3.4 The player is obliged to show proof of payment of the game fee at all times during the game on request, club members are required to show a valid membership card. Failure to do so may result in the player being ejected from the game and banned from the grounds.
3.5 The operating hours of the course, clubhouse and practice areas are determined by the current situation. Specific opening hours are determined by the Course Manager and are posted at the reception desk or on the course website.
3.6 The player and the player’s companion enter the field of play at their own risk. The player and his/her entourage are obliged to conduct themselves on the pitch in such a way as not to endanger their own health or that of other players or persons on the pitch.
3.7 A visitor who is neither a participant in the golf game nor an accompanying person may not enter the course without the permission of the reception.
3.8 Children under 14 years of age may only play when accompanied by an adult (exception: tournaments).
3.9 Visitors are strictly prohibited from picking up golf balls on the course other than their own. It is forbidden to enter the impact area of the driving range. It is strictly forbidden to take golf balls from the property of the resort off the resort premises. Anyone doing so will be liable to compensate the operator for any damage incurred.
3.10 It is forbidden to enter the court outside the operating hours and the game itself. You may only use the designated paths on the grounds.


4.1 Visitors are obliged to observe the safety principles throughout the golf course and not to endanger other visitors in any way.
4.2 Visitors must follow the operating instructions of marshals, greenkeepers, coaches and other staff and respect the warning signs on the course.
4.3 Visitors acknowledge that golf is played on the course and that there is a risk of injury from hitting a golf ball. In the event of non-compliance with the instructions on the warning signs or published in the Operating Regulations, the operator shall not be liable for injury to visitors.
4.4 Players are obliged to comply with the Rules of Golf, the Ethics of Golf and the Local Rules. Violations of these rules may result in exclusion from the game without refund.
4.5 When playing at a distance where the player cannot see or has an impaired view or there are other participants in front of him and within range of the game, he is obliged to make sure that his actions will not cause damage or injury and act accordingly.
4.6 The player and the player’s companion must be dressed appropriately (including footwear) according to golfing customs.
4.7 Players are required to repair cut sod, punch out pitchmarks and clean up bunkers.
4.8 Players must not disturb their surroundings by excessive noise, ringing mobile phones or behaviour inconsistent with golf etiquette and good manners.


5.1 Electric buggies may only be driven by players over 16 years of age. When driving on the course, please restrict movement around the greens and follow the signs that indicate the direction and path of travel on specific holes.
5.2 A maximum of two players are allowed to ride on an electric buggy and carry the equipment of these two players.
5.3 Players are required to familiarise themselves with the operation of electric buggies before driving.


6.1 It is forbidden to leave children under 10 years of age unsupervised in the entire area. It is strictly forbidden to leave children unsupervised in the playground.
6.2 Dogs are not allowed to run loose on the premises. Dogs are only allowed on the designated paths within the resort grounds and only on a leash. Dogs must not disturb other visitors by barking or moving about. The owner of the dog is obliged to clean up its excrements. Dogs are not allowed on the playground (in the game)!
6.3 Visitors are prohibited from modifying or moving any stands, machinery, information, boundary or other equipment.
6.4 Parking of visitors’ vehicles is permitted in designated areas.
6.5 Visitors under the influence of alcohol or narcotic and psychotropic substances may be banned from the golf resort.
6.6 The visitor is fully responsible for any damage to the health of persons or property of the premises and its surroundings caused by his/her activities.
6.7 Visitors are obliged to maintain order in the golf course area. Throughout the area, in all open spaces and also on all grassy areas, there is a strict ban on throwing cigarette butts and other garbage.
6.8 Vulgar behaviour towards marshals and receptionists, as well as other staff, as well as towards other visitors and players, is considered a gross violation of the Operating Regulations and a visitor may be expelled from the golf resort premises on the basis of such behaviour.
6.9 Visitors to the golf resort are obliged to comply with these Operating Regulations, the instructions of the course operator and the principles of safety, hygiene and fire protection. In the event of a violation of these operating rules, the relevant person may be expelled from the golf resort without the possibility of reimbursement of the paid playing fee.
6.10 A visitor who repeatedly fails to respect the Operating Regulations may be prevented from entering the golf resort premises.
6.11 The course manager, security staff and the resort operator have the right to restrict or completely exclude public access to the golf resort premises if they deem it appropriate to ensure the protection of personal health and to prevent damage to the property of the resort operator or third parties.
6.12 The course manager has the right to restrict or completely exclude public access to the grounds even if the contract with the short-term user of the course so stipulates.
6.13 Players and visitors use the facilities of the grounds at their own risk and are liable for damages caused by violation of the Operating Regulations. They are obliged to immediately report all detected defects and accidents to the staff, reception or one of the responsible persons.
6.14 The Operator is not responsible for any damage to equipment and private belongings of visitors brought to the grounds.


7.1 In the event of a thunderstorm, players and visitors must immediately stop play or practice and move to the clubhouse immediately.
7.2 There is a first aid kit in the reception area. It is equipped according to the applicable regulations and in accordance with the services provided.


8.1 These Golf Resort Operating Regulations are effective from 1 January 2014
Petr Ocásek – Chairman of the Board of Golf Resort Barbora a.s.
