Statutes of the Barbora GC Association


A. General Provisions

Art. 1. Name of the association

1.1. The name of the association is Barbora GC spolek (hereinafter referred to as the Club).
1.2. The Club is an association within the meaning of Act No. 89/2012 of the Collection of Laws

Art. 2. Seat

2.1. The registered office of the Club is located at:

U Císařských lázní 368/7,

415 01 Teplice

Art. 3. Objective of the activity

3.1. The purpose of the association is to operate a sports and recreational game of golf.
The aim of the Club’s activities is in particular:
  • (a) organize and promote recreational and competitive golf,
  • (b) organize physical education activities with the aim of increasing physical fitness and improving the health of its members,
  • (c) organise other sports activities, including competitions and educational events for Club members and interested members of the public, including children and youth,
  • (d) create material and training conditions for their activities,
  • (e) organise sports, cultural, social and educational activities,
  • (f) cooperate with other associations, self-governing bodies of cities and municipalities, other legal entities and natural persons,
  • (g) ensure promotional and publication activities,
  • (h) to create an economic base for the fulfillment of its goals and its mission, especially through its own secondary economic activity, in accordance with the Trade Act, especially in the scope of free trade,
  • (i) build sports facilities and playgrounds, or rent or sublease them,
  • (j) support all sports activities, especially sports activities of other associations, public benefit companies or other entities, both legal and natural,
  • (k) support for regional sports regardless of what sport it is, namely support in the form of mutual cooperation, organization of joint events, support in the form of financial donations or other support.

B. Membership

Art. 4. Types and acquisition of membership

4.1. Club membership is established in accordance with these Statutes, which stipulates two types of Club membership, namely Regular membership and Annual membership. Club members are not liable for the Club’s debts.

4.2. Regular Club membership is subject to the following conditions:

  • (a) Any natural or legal person can become a Regular member of the Club, when the natural person must be over 18 years of age,
  • (b) A natural or legal person can become a Regular member who submits a written application for admission as a Regular member of the Club and who will be accepted as a Regular member of the Club by the Club’s board of directors,
4.3. Annual Club membership is subject to the following terms and conditions:
  • (a) Any natural person can become an Annual member of the Club, based on a submitted written or oral application for admission as an Annual Club member.
  • (b) Membership in the Club is established by paying the prescribed annual membership fee on the condition that the Board of Directors does not decide that the person in question does not become a member despite the payment of the annual membership fee. In the event of such a decision, an adequate part of the annual fee paid to the given person by the Club is returned.
  • (c) Annual membership is limited to 31.12. the year in which the Annual Club Member was admitted to the Club. If the Annual Member of the Club pays the annual membership fee by the deadline set by the Board of Directors in the years following the year in which such member was accepted as an Annual Member of the Club, he automatically becomes an Annual Member of the Club for the year for which he paid the annual membership fees, unless the Board of Directors decides otherwise. An annual member of the club may be expelled by the board of directors based on its decision, in which case the club is obliged to return an adequate part of the annual membership fee to the annual member of the club. The Board of Directors can also accept a motion for expulsion from other Annual Members of the Club.

Art. 5. Obligations of a Club member

5.1. Each member is obliged to respect the Club’s statutes and submit to the decisions of the Club’s board of directors.
5.2. A member with both Regular and Annual membership in the Club is obliged, according to the decision of the Board of Directors, to pay the annual membership fees in the specified amount and by the specified date, otherwise he may be expelled from the Club by the Board of Directors.
5.3. A member with any kind of membership in the Club is obliged to immediately report any change in his contact information to the Club.

Art. 6. Club member rights

6.1. Only the Regular Member of the Club has the right to attend the meeting of the members of the Club.

6.2. Every member of the Club has the right to participate in events organized by the Club, when these events are governed by the price list of events announced by the Club’s board of directors or the President of the Club.

Art. 7. Termination of membership

7.1. Membership and associated rights of a Club member end:
  • (a) Withdrawal from the Club, the withdrawal must be made by a member of the Club in writing and delivered to the Club,
  • (b) By Expulsion from the Club, the Club’s Board of Directors may expel a member with any membership,
  • (c) By death

C. Club Bodies

Art. 8. Board of Directors of the Club

8.1. The Club’s statutory body is the Club’s board of directors, which acts through the Club’s president.
8.2. The Board of Directors of the Club is composed of three members.
8.3. The Club’s board of directors is headed by the Club’s president.

8.4. The Board of Directors ensures the fulfillment of the Club’s tasks.

8.5. A supermajority of all members of the board or a decision of the president is required for the validity of the resolution of the board of directors.

8.6. The Board of Directors of the Club decides by its resolution mainly in the following matters:
  • (a) decides on the property and management of the Club,
  • (b) on the admission of the Club Regular Members, including the determination of the entry fee,
  • (c) other things the assembly of members will authorize them to do.

Art. 9. Election of the Club's Board of Directors

9.1. The members of the Board of Directors of the Club are elected and recalled by the Assembly of Club Members.
9.2. The term of office of the Club Board of Directors is ten years with the possibility of repeating the performance of the function of the person in the Board of Directors.

9.3. The Board of Directors of the Club elects the President of the Club from among its members.

9.4. If the number of members of the Board of Directors decreases, the Board of Directors is obliged to convene an assembly of Club members within 30 days to elect a new Board of Directors. If such election of a new Board of Directors does not take place, the Board of Directors shall appoint the remaining members of the Board of Directors itself.

Art. 10. Assembly of members - the highest body of the association

10.1. The Assembly of Club Members is the highest body of the Association and is convened by the Board of Directors or the President of the Club, by promulgation on the Club website at least 10 days before the meeting of Club members. The invitation must include: the place, date, time and agenda of the Club members’ assembly.If 100% of the Club Regular members participate in the convened meeting and all of them waive the right to properly convene the meeting, the meeting can be held.
10.2. The Club Members Assembly is managed by an authorized member of the Club Board of Directors.
10.3. The Assembly of Club members is quorate if at least an absolute majority of the members with Regular membership in the Club are present.
10.4. The Assembly of Members decides by a 2/3 majority of votes of the present members with Regular membership in the Club. The right to vote belongs only to the Regular members of the Club.
10.5. Members with Regular membership in the Club present at the meeting of the Club members shall be entered in the list of those present.
10.6. The organization, convening, course of events and preparation of the minutes of the meeting of Club members shall be ensured by the Board of Directors of the Club.
10.7. The competence of the Club members’ assembly includes, in particular:
  • (a) Election of Club Board members,
  • (b) Deciding on the content and amendment of the Articles of Association,
  • (c) Deciding on the plan of activities and the main directions of the Club’s activities,
  • (d) Determines the main focus of the association’s activities,
  • (e) Approves the economic result of the association,
  • (f) Evaluates the activities of other bodies of the association,
  • (g) Decides on the dissolution of the association with liquidation or on its transformation.

D. Principles of management

1. The sources of the newly acquired property of the Club are:
  • (a) Entrance fees and membership fees
  • (b) income from events organized by the Club, including secondary economic activities
  • (c) donations from sponsors, subsidies or other financial and non-financial contributions, etc.
  • (d) Other income

E. Final provisions

1. These Statutes shall come into effect on the day of their adoption.
Teplice, 14.9.2015
Petr Ocásek – President of the Club